The light of Christmas bathed the Circle of Friends with the spirit of light last Wednesday. First the Chancel Choir led by Tom and Andrea Jaber caroled the group, letting them join in on some songs. Then Reverend Dennnison led the adult and teen groups in a worship experience where they participated with the sounds of the Christmas story. She told the full version in a simple way that began with the census and ended with the meaning of Jesus as the light of the world. An adult student told his leader that for the first time, the Christmas story made sense. He was filled with awe. Our students understand a story on several levels: One, it is a wonderful story, or Two, it is a story set in the time of Jesus with real people, or Three, some students understand what the story means in their lives. On any level, it’s okay, AND THEY “GET IT.”
This week we have our annual Christmas party with gifts for everyone and special entertainment. We adjourn until January 4, so people can go on vacation while the leaders also have a vacation.